“Mom, take this and put it away” my 5-year-old said. I looked down and saw a damp nickel pressed into my palm. “What’s this?” I asked. “My money,” said Will. I knew he did not have any money on him that day at Disneyworld. I looked from him to the fountain where we had just [Read More]
Oops, I did it again!
Just back from Disneyworld and we had a grand time! One of the rites of passage at Disney is dining at a character meal. We chose breakfast with Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Alice in Wonderland and Mary Poppins, mostly because this was the meal offered at our hotel so it was easy to do. You [Read More]
Bad mom to other people’s kids
This weekend my friend Isabel took pity on me and the kids and invited us over for dinner. Chad was out of town, so this invitation was a treat. I hadn’t offered to bring anything when she asked me, because I honestly didn’t know if I had the time or wherewithal to make a trip [Read More]
Order of Daily Events
Can you make out this picture drawn by Will? It’s 3 pictures depicting the order of his daily events. I innocently thought the first picture on the left was him sleeping in bed or waking up in the morning. Nope. He explained it’s him sitting on the couch watching TV. Great. Second picture is a [Read More]
I’m a good mom
Trust me–you want to see this picture that has nothing to do with my post. This week I’m happy to announce I feel like a good mom. Why? you ask. Did I teach my kids a second language? Help them master Tai Chi? Encourage them to use words, not fists? No. I feel like a [Read More]
Dancing Queen
Recently I was hanging out with my two-year-old, Sydney. It was one morning when Will was off at kindergarten. I happened to have the TV on and was flipping through channels. This was a liberating moment for me. With four of us in the house, I rarely get to watch anything of my own choosing. [Read More]
The Green Bottle
Picture a group of 2-year-olds sitting in a circle listening to their teacher read a story. The book is one of those board books about colors. On each page there are everyday objects like mittens or balls and everything is the same color. The teacher points to the objects and asks the toddlers what they [Read More]
Went to the Dentist
Sydney and Will successfully managed their latest dental appointments. No cavities and everything looks good. I was sorta holding my breath during their evaluations. Some nights they enjoy sucking the toothpaste off their brushes, I mean, brushing their teeth. Other nights they barely swipe those pearly whites before I’m wrestling them to the ground trying [Read More]
I wonder…
Happy New Year! Can you believe Will has homework over the holiday break? Granted, it is a small project. But really! We have a penguin that he needs to decorate and cut out. On the penguin’s belly he needs to finish the sentence “I wonder…” with something he wants to learn about. I planted such [Read More]
A Visit with Santa
This picture speaks for itself. I am a bad mom for making my 2-year-old see Santa! However, what’s worse? Making your 2-year-old see Santa? Or not taking your kids to see Santa because maybe 1 of them will freak out? Or having a picture of only your 5-year-old with Santa and years from now trying [Read More]